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Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well on Sunday at church I was having some contractions - having never experienced this a lot in previous pregnancies I was a bit concerned. So we talked to the Dr. and she had us go to the hospital for some monitoring. Turned out all was okay - the contractions were not regular enough to be concerned about and Pepper was doing fine.

Then on Tue night I started having contractions again every 3-6 minutes. So I was instructed to lay down, drink water, take Benadryl and see if they slowed down. Which they did. But as soon as I would try to get up they would start again! So again on Wed we went to the Dr. for some additional monitoring. And yet again, all is fine.

So now I just need to focus on sitting still more and doing less. Which is very hard for me! I have things I want to do! You know the basics - laundry, dishes, last minute nesting! Only 11 more days to go and this little one will be here. I am very excited and pray that she will stay put until that day :)

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