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Thursday, October 30, 2008

We have a birth date

We went to both doctors yesterday and we now have a scheduled date for the CSection. She will be delivered on Nov 17 barring any unforseen circumstances. All looked good on the ultrasound - she was quite wiggly and opening and closing her mouth. She was also trying to put her fist in. It was really cute. We are so excited now to know when she will be born. It is just after Libby's birthday and before Thanksgiving! Only 18 days to go!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

32 Week Check

We went to the high risk doctor yesterday and she is looking great. She weighs around 4 pounds and 7 ounces. She is getting so big. She also has some hair on her head! So cute. I had no idea you could see that in a regular ultrasound. I can't wait to meet our cutie pie.

I have next week off as far as doctor visits (YAY). I will go to both doctors on the same day during week 34. As long as nothing exciting happens, we will have made it through the danger zone! It will just be a matter of time before they decide when to take her. I don't think there is any risk of her not hitting 6.5 pounds though. She is once again a little above average for weight right now. And all the fluids looked good around her and the placenta was good as well. Praise the Lord for blessing us with good health!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

31 weeks and counting

I will be 32 weeks on Monday and I am really feeling this pregnancy now! She is moving around quite a bit - as we speak for one. She is really pressing into my ribs at times and making it harder to breathe and move around. I can't wait to hold her on the outside!

I didn't have any doctor appointments this week as my regular OB appt was last week and my high risk doctor was off this week. So Monday I will see the high risk doc and get some new pics! I feel like she has shifted into a new position. I cannot tell if she turned and is no longer breech, but there is definitely a change in how she is laying. It could be that she is sitting up still but has no where to go :)

I have had some restless nights lately. My hips and legs have been sore and at times she feels like she is bulging out of my tummy and it is hard to get comfortable. Not to mention that I have to get up to go to the bathroom every couple of hours.

There are times when we talk about wanting to have just one more baby after this one so they can be close in age. But there are other times when I think would my body be able to go through this again. So we will wait and see after the delivery how it goes.

I had lunch today with one of my friends who is a labor and delivery nurse and I got to ask her all kinds of great questions. This baby is going to be my first planned c-section (at least that's the plan). So I got the scoop on the process and stuff. She definitely said waiting longer to have her the better so that her lungs are fully developed. She also said that the week of Thanksgiving on Mon thru Wed is very busy at the hospital with many doctors scheduling inductions those days to avoid working TG and the day after. My 36th week is Nov 10 so I am trying to get through that week so we can celebrate Libby's birthday on the 14th. I would really like to get through the next week as well because Libby has a science fair. But we will just pray for a healthy birth and be thankful whenever that glorious day arrives!

Her official name for those that may not know is Pepper Peach Bergantzel. Yes it is unique, but we love the name. And we can't wait to meet our little "Spicy Sweet" girl!