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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Your question answered -

I received this comment on my blog.

"How thoughtful, will you be doing this blog until the baby is here? Please answer on your blog. By the way you can web search other blogs, that's how I found yours. How many children have you had?"

And to answer your question, YES I will be blogging on this baby's progress until the magical delivery date! And perhaps beyond! It is a great way to journal the progress and share it with friends, loved ones and anyone looking for answers. I have done a lot of research on other web sites and read a lot of other blogs as well. It is so intriguing to hear about the various pregnancies and the ups and downs.

I currently have 2 children. Although one is a young adult now - he is 20 and my daughter is 11. What a whirlwind life. And as I said before - this baby was planned. My husband and I decided that we wanted one more chance to bring a new life into the world! And after 6 months of trying, we were successful. This pregnancy has been very different than the last two. Perhaps it is my age - who knows. But it is exciting none the less and I would not trade the opportunity for the world!

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