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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another good ultrasound

Well we went to the perinatologist today for the 10 week check and all is going well with the little one. The heartrate was at 167 BPM and it is right on target for growth. They will see me again at 13 weeks to check the cervix and make sure all is progressing well. Our little one was busy moving around today and we got a personalized picture with "Hi Mommy and Daddy" added to it from the radiologist technician. She said if we are lucky next time she "might" be able to tell us the sex. It all depends on the way the baby is facing and if she can get a clear shot!! How exciting. We have our next appointment with the OB on May 28th! Stay tuned...


Sarah Cz said...

soo exciting... you know us Cz's can't wait to find out what you guys are having. woohoo! we love your little jelly bean already!

Fuzins said...

its me again, can't wait for you tell the sex. me and my husband are pregnant too with a little girl, we're naming it emma, or kennedy. Which should i go for?

just kidding mom its me libby!!!!!