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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First OB Today

Even though I have been to two different ultrasound appointments, hurt my back and visited a physical therapist, today was the first official OB appointment. Jim and I went to the appointment together and all looks good for the 8 week check standpoint. Unfortunately it was too early to get to listen to the heartbeat, however it was again reassuring to be checked by the dr and get this process started. We will go back to the OB at 12 weeks (May 28) but get to make another stop at the perinatologist at 10 weeks to check things out by ultrasound on May 14.

Now we need to start thinking of possible names. We have already decided on Cooper James for a boy, but have not agreed on a potential girl name. I vote for Kenadie, but we are also looking at other possiblities as that is not a favorite of Jim's. But we have 7 more months to work this out :)

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